DOT Signs & Symptoms for Supervisors (Drug & Alcohol)
Course Information: Signs and symptoms are used to determine if an employee may be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol that would warrant the employee to be tested. Instruction will provide supervisors with the knowledge of what they need to look for and what to do if someone appears unfit for duty.
Key Topics Covered:
- Effects of alcohol and drugs in the workplace
- Role of the supervisor in DOT testing programs
- Signs, symptoms and behavioral indicators of the DOT-prohibited drugs
- Prohibited behavior and prescription drug use
- How to recognize and document poor performance caused by drugs and/or alcohol
- Observation checklist
- How to handle employee defense strategies
What to do when:
- An employee refuses to be tested
- A supervisor receives hearsay information
- An employee discovers a suspicious substance
- An employee who leaves the worksite without authorization after being unfit for duty
Course Duration: 2 hours
Certifications Received: Yes
Price: $75.00
Accreditation: Per DOT regulations
Recertification Interval: FAA – annual
Prerequisites: None
Course Format: Instructor led / classroom setting. Beacon also offers on-site, client-specific options for this course that can include online options for remote workers.
Please call of email us for scheduling options:
Tel: (907) 222-7612
Email: training@beaconohss.com